Bizarre Mysteries: Poltergeist or Demon?

Last time, we learned the differences between a residual and intelligent haunt. In this installment, we will learn how to tell a poltergeist haunting from a…gulp…demonic one!

Full disclosure, here…both of these type of haunts are difficult to wrap your head around. Sort of like trying to comprehend how the worlds most popular pencil is a #2 (why not call it #1?) or how surprised we are when our kids, after trying to wrangle their own infant into a onesie, turn to us and say, “Now I get it! Sorry, mom!”

Yeah. Poltergeists and demons are like that. Crazy stuff.

So, what, exactly, is a poltergeist haunt? Glad you asked! The German word ‘poltergeist’ literally means ‘noisy ghost,’ a nod to the paranormal activity usually seen in this type of haunting; unexplained bangs, opening and closing of doors, lights turning on and off, and generally disrupting our environment. In fact, this is the kind of haunting that can not only manipulate your surroundings, but can actually produce physical harm in the form of scratches, bites, or pinching.

But are these poltergeists just pissed off ghosts or what?

Not exactly.

Many paranormal investigators believe poltergeists are non-corporeal (meaning no body) manifestations of energy in overdrive. They are not visible as ghosts sometimes are, and are said to be violent and thoroughly pissed off at the world.

I used to have a friend like that.

A poltergeist will use the energy in a home or business— or even a troubled teen—to increase its strength and capability to mess things up. Many even believe this violent energy is a manifestation of the anger and emotions of a person, usually an adolescent girl. The theory is this mass of spiteful energy is attracted to, and becomes attached to, a person in crisis who, in turn, can control the chaos.

Yet another strike from our friends at Puberty-Hormones, Inc.😜

Poltergeist hauntings are, thankfully, rare. It’s tough enough raising a kid without having one with the ability to telekinetically toss you around the room, am I right?

So, what if it isn’t a person controlling a glob of random, cheesed-off, energy? In that case it is thought that, perhaps, the random non-bodied energy has joined forces with an actual ghost or another grouping of energy. This “coming together” means more power and more destruction is possible.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Because two heads are better than one. Or two riled up, pesky paranormal entities (also known as RUPPE) are better than none.

Made up that last bit, . but admit it…RUPPE could work!

Bottom line? Poltergeist hauntings are scary, sometimes dangerous, types of hauntings that leave you with only two options: Get rid of the teen with angst by sending them off to boot camp, or buy them that nasty video game you’ve said ‘no’ to a dozen times.🤷‍♀️

Before we dive into demons (she said cheekily), a word about a few other mysterious haunting-type entities. The dreaded ‘Shadow People.’

Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking…”But Quinn, are there really such things as short, hooded shadows who dart two and fro, making adults clutch their necks in disbelief and scaring children out of their rooms and away from the hallway?”

Sure are. I know. I’ve seen ‘em.

And no, I don’t have cataracts. Or glaucoma. Legit, I have seen the little buggers in several buildings, whizzing by without a care in the world. Perhaps they are sent to check on people with a pulse; maybe they are entities from another dimension, using a portal to come and go from our world.

Portals. Yeah, a whole new batch of creepy we will get into at another time. For now, though, it’s on to the demon population!

So, what exactly is a demon, you ask? I mean, besides that wicked headache on New Year’s Day after a celebratory evening, or the piercing screams of a toddler who throws himself on the floor in an aisle of the supermarket and begins kicking and screaming.

All because you won’t let him buy an oversized rutabaga (true story.)

I mean, what the hell is a rutabaga anyway? And what was he going to do with it? It’s stuff like this—not demons or monsters—that keeps me up at night.

The word demon actually started out harmless enough. It is a variation of the Greek word ‘daimon’ meaning spirit or supernatural being. Originally, it merely indicated someone who was a spiritually- inclined person. Now, of course, it is associated with evil or malevolence.

A demon (or imp or ghoul or devil…so many options!) is a being who has never been human or had a human form. Some theologians consider them fallen angels, as in the case of Lucifer. Others believe they are angry, malevolent entities or a lower form of a supernatural being. These ‘things’, for lack of a better word, are not here to find closure, as many ghosts who wander the earth are thought to do.

No, these bastards are here for the pain. They are here to revel in suffering and sorrow, and pin their hopes on finding a poor, lost soul just ripe for a possession. It could take weeks, months, years of trying to possess a tortured soul, but a demon has no deadline, no time constraints. They are clever, cunning, and extraordinarily dangerous.

If you believe in them. I, for one, do not.

Don’t get me wrong…I 100% believe that there are evil spirits who prey on the weak. I just happen to think of them as former humans who were shit people. There are a few reasons I think this way.

First and foremost, I refuse to give an evil entity any more power than it already has. There have been stories (not all verified or witnessed) where people claim they were tossed around like a hot potato before being sent flying through the air by some unseen force. I think the most dangerous thing in the world is to give validation to these creatures.

It’s like a serial killer (yeah, yeah, I know. I can’t help it…my mind just goes there.) The last thing you want to do is give him or her an audience. These dudes love their work, and get their jollies just listening to the news and the police talk about their crimes.

It’s like Picasso, getting all warm and tingly when someone gushed about his work—despite his obvious difficulties regarding the placement of facial features.😜

Image credit: Fine Art America

Another reason I refuse to engage in ‘demon’ pillow talk is because I’m kind of afraid it will open a door. Similar to messing with a Ouija board (dear God in heaven, please please don’t do that!) I believe it leaves the soul vulnerable to attack just playing with the board or, in the case of a demon, acknowledging his or her existence.

Image credit: Pixabay

Call me crazy, but there are plenty of demon-like jerks in this world… seems silly to worry about what’ s hanging around in the Underworld.

There it is, my beautiful little Quinlets! Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about hauntings but were too terrified to ask!

Now, I am looking for ideas for next month’s blog. Anything you’d like to explore more? Any haunting case you are dying (hehehe) to learn more about? Please, send me your suggestions! I will make every attempt to research and answer any and all requests😊And, if you witness any paranormal activity in or around you, please take pictures, videos, and recordings and send them my way!

Until next time…keep your mind open and your head on a swivel!

Peace out


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