Exploring the Unknown: Can Our Furry Friends See Spirit?

Mr Beauregard and Frankie

I get it…dogs can be goofballs.

They are dopey and clumsy and as easily distracted by lint as they are by a frisbee. And don’t get me started on their arch nemesis, those crazy ass felines. You do realize that there is a solid theory going around that cats are plotting to take over the world, right?

But all that aside, there is a question that begs exploring here…do our pets come back as ghosts? Can they see apparitions that we cannot? Will my dog ever come when he’s called without me using my ‘mean’ voice? Let’s dive in and see!

First, let me be abundantly clear here—we are going to talk about dogs and cats, beloved pets, not angry Hellhounds (for those who don’t know, Hellhounds are nasty creatures tasked with guarding Hell. If encountered, do NOT feed them! Or is that Tribbles? Gremlins?)

But, as always, I digress. My brain sometimes swats at dozens of thoughts at once, not unlike swinging at gnats on a warm summer’s evening. Where was I? Right, animal spirits. Have you ever had a dog or cat that stares for hours at nothing? Gazes intently at one corner of the room or up the stairs, even when no one is up there? Have they suddenly refused to descend the basement steps or taken to hiding behind your leg? How about barking or hissing at nothing? If you answered yes to any of these, your pet may have seen a ghost!

Or, they could just be neurotic. Pick one.

The theory that animals can sense the otherworldly is not a new one. Since the beginning of time (or at least the last few centuries), history has regaled us with the possibility that our pets possess some kind of paranormal radar. In speaking of dogs (because that was my research focus😉), canines, along with the other five senses, possess the ability to feel if something is wrong or ‘off’.

Call it a sixth sense or a second sight, but, even if they cannot see what they perceive is different, they go with their instincts. They stare or bark or protectively stand in front of us. The biggest difference between a human’s sixth sense and a pet’s? Our four-legged friends go with their gut, while we analyze and rationalize everything to death, talking ourselves out of any possible paranormal explanation.

So, then, if we take away the freaky, how can we explain it? How can we explain how dogs have detected earthquakes or tornadoes or other weather events, long before they occur?

Okay, okay, yes. I admit it… atmospheric pressure plays a role. And indeed, animals have much better hearing. And the olfactory nerves in their noses are amazing. But how about dogs who can detect a seizure before their owner has one? Or cancer or low blood sugar or migraines? Can that all be chalked up to the air or to their sense of smell?

I’m not convinced on that one.

Here are two first-hand accounts from personal experience. I would love to hear from you guys as to what kind of experiences you may have had with pets acknowledging spirit. Or your recollections of a special visitor after the death of a beloved pet. For me, there are a few that come to mind.

First and foremost…ghost cat. Yeah, we have had a kitty ghost for many, many years, one who only makes himself known a few times a year. Hell, we don’t even know who this dude is, let alone if he is one of our many cats. He comes, he goes; he ignores us most of the time.

Just like a flesh and blood cat, really. Assholes.

Anyway, in this same house that the ghost cat hangs out, I’ve had a beloved dog visit me right after he died. My pup’s name was Memphis, and he was just the most beautiful, wonderful Shep in all the world (except for my boy, Kodi. But don’t tell Memphis that!)

Memphis used to sit next to me, pushing against my leg, as I stood at the kitchen sink doing the dinner dishes. It was a comforting “I feel your pain, let me help,” kind of vibe.

Of course, dogs don’t have opposable thumbs so, no washing of dishes. Or drying, for that matter.

Shortly after we lost him, as I stood elbow-deep in Dawn, lamenting our loss, the most incredibly thing happened. I felt that dog lean against my left leg, felt the warmth of his fur. In fact, it was so real, I looked down and half- expected to see his beautiful face looking up at me.

Of course, that didn’t happen. But oddly, I wasn’t sad. In truth, I felt an overwhelming calm and peace blanketing me, telling me that my boy was okay.

It was a wonderful gift.

Another time, I saw my brother Jim’s dog, Doogan—who was the light of his life— in a ‘dream’ that was much to vivid to be a dream. It was a visit, I’m sure. In this dream, Jimbo’s dog was running in a field greener than you could ever imagine. As I watched this beautiful dog run, I saw the arm of a man, clad in a plaid flannel shirt and with a football in his hand, wind up and throw a perfect spiral.

I never saw the man’s face…only his arm. Doogan and another beautiful dog both went after the ball and then, an instant after the throw, I heard the words, “Did you really think I wouldn’t take care of him?”

It was the voice of my brother’s best friend, Kyle, killed in a tragic accident years earlier. They were words I instantly knew were meant for my brother, still grieving his best friend, and not for me.

To this day, I believe the other dog belonged to Kyle.

So, how do we know if we’ve been visited by our deceased pets? Well, I do have a few ideas about that.

You knew I would 😉

I’ve read that animals who return will return to the place they lived rather than the place they died. Further, they will be found in the area of the home they felt most comfortable. So, that warm spot on the bed, that mysterious jangling of ID tags, or the soft sound of padded paws on the linoleum, may be a sign your furry friend has come to visit.

Our pets are indeed our family. Why would we ever think that Aunt Gert from the Bronx would drop in, but not our most trusted companion? Our animals have a soul. They experience grief and joy and love, just as we do. It’s no wonder that, if they can, they will return to us.

Not for a final goodbye, but for a ‘see you later.’

And, in the end, if we truly believe and it brings comfort, it matters little if we know for sure.

We just know.

Please, please love your furballs with abandon and unconditionally. If you have a tale to tell, email me! Perhaps we will do a series on animal visitations!

Until next time, my friends…life is terminal at best. So, live your best life!

Later, gators…..Q

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