Exploring the Unknown: The Power of Three!

Do you know your A, B, Three’s?

Ever wonder why the number three seems to be such a magical presence in the bible and beyond? Well, sit a spell and relax while I regale you with some fascinating fact ;)

Ready, set, go! (See what I did there?😁)

We say that our senses all interconnect as spirit, mind, and body. Most numbers seem to have a spiritual meaning, but it’s the number three that blows the rest of them out of the park. Three is a triad, a number that contains a beginning, middle, and end. Birth, life, death. Past, present, and future.

In the bible, the number three appears 467 times!

Holy Moly!

Three represents the Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There were three fathers of the Israelite nation; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Three Wise Men came bearing three gifts…gold, frankincense and myrrh. In speaking of Peter’s denial, Jesus said, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.’ It was in the third hour of the day that Christ was crucified, and He died at three pm. He rose from the dead on the third day. He practiced his teachings for three years and raised three people from the dead.

Until his death. At the age of 33.

Mind. Blown.


There are three angels mentioned in the bible; Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. The number 333 is called the Angel number and if you see it after praying, your prayers will soon be answered. Angelic beings are placed into three triads or levels. The Seraphim( full of grace), the Cherubim or Cherub (full of knowledge) and the Thrones (full of divinity).

And don’t even get me started on the Book of Revelations and the number three. Truly terrifying.😳 The mark of the beast is 666, double the angel number of 333.

Now, as easy as one, two, three…let’s click our heels three times and move on.

The number three is revered in many cultures and countless religions. There are fairytales and folklore that consistently reference the number three. Three Blind Mice, Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three bears. There is a legend that still stands today that anywhere an Oak, Ash, and a thorn tree gather is the place where faeries live.

We get three guesses, three wishes, and three bowls of porridge🤢 Because third times a charm😜

We need three primary colors to make most other colors; red, yellow, and blue. The shamrock or three-leaf clover, symbolizes Ireland. Want more fun facts? An octopus has three hearts and a camel has three eye-lids. A cat also has a third eyelid called a haw, though I can’t find it anywhere on Betty🐱‍👤In Japan, we have Three Wise Monkeys—Kikazaru, covering his ears to hear no evil; Mizaru, covering his eyes to see no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth to speak no evil.

Silly monkeys. Everyone knows, two is company, three’s a crowd.

In Greek Mythology, three brothers—Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, each ruled their own world. Their counterparts in Roman Mythology were Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto.

Apparently, Goofy was on vacay.😆

Even in sports, we are surrounded by the power of three. It’s three strikes you’re out and three outs to an inning for your team. In football, players have a three-point stance and a field goal is worth three points. Scoring three goals in hockey is a hat trick, and, in horse racing, jockeys dream of winning the Triple Crown.

A triathlon consists of swimming, bicycling, and running. Crazy talk.

In music, we have the groups Third Eye Blind, Three Dog Night, and Three Doors Down. In song, I’d like you to Gimme Three Steps so we can toss Three Coins in a Fountain.

And then, Knock Three Times if you love someone Three Times a Lady.

But it’s not all roses and hearts. Three can also symbolize the nasty. Three is a part of the number 13, long thought to be a symbol of bad luck. Airplanes have no row 13, hotels omit the 13th floor, and Formula 1 race cars jump from car 12 to 14. Heck, even poison ivy and its ‘leaves of three, let it be’ have gotten into the act.😆

In witchcraft, whatever you put into the world returns to you three-fold. Poltergeists will knock or bang on the walls three times to let you know you’re not alone. Demonologists will tell you that if a ghost attacks and leaves three scratches on your skin, it’s probably not a ghost at all, but a demon.


As if knowing that will make you feel any better.

Many people subscribe to the theory that bad things come in three’s. Every go to two funerals in succession and hear someone say, ‘Wonder who the third will be?’

Yeah. Me, too.

So, why else are we in love with the number three? I mean, aside from the fact that I am one of three children and my house number growing up was 30?😆

Because one is the loneliest number. And two can be as bad as one. And six is afraid of seven ‘cause 7 ate 9. Because it’s an angel number that symbolizes wisdom and harmony, good fortune and success. Because the planet where you live and love is the third planet from the sun.

Because of my boys, Moe, Larry, and Curly.

So many three’s, so little time. Hope you enjoyed this history of lucky number three. As for me, I’ll be on the deck enjoying a three-martini lunch and getting three sheets to the wind🍸🥂

Three Cheers to three!

Quinn NollComment