Exploring the Unknown: Premonitions and Prophets

We’ve all heard it before. Theologians or spiritual philosophers, cults members or religious zealots, throwing up their hands ,running around with their hair (or, in the case of monks, their robes) on fire, portending the end of days. History is rife with examples of doomsday predictions and warnings that the apocalypse was upon us. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve read about one group or another telling us the sky was, like literally, falling, I’d have a buck fifty, easily.

Maybe even two bucks.

Truth is, most modern-day prognosticators aren’t very smart. I mean, if you are going to give an ‘end of the world’ date in this decade, you’d best make sure we are all going down in flames by that day. Otherwise, you look like every other jamoke claiming to be a visionary. A better bet would be to state that your catastrophic prophecy will occur at a much later time— like, when you’re already dead, so no one can come banging at your door, calling you a charlatan or phony-baloney or a doo-doo head. (Ok, maybe not that, but you get where I’m going here.)

Take Nostradamus, for example. The man was a bloody genius. He died in 1566, yet most of his predictions centered around events that would occur long after he died. Except for his own death. It is said that he told an assistant the night before he died that, “You will not find me alive at sunrise.” Sure enough, the next morning, he was found dead on the floor. Aside from that, his most famous (and supporters would say most accurate) predictions were about events of our time. He is said to have predicted both world wars, the rise of Hitler, Princess Diana’s death, and even 9/11.

Pretty impressive resume.

A side note here: As a physician, Nostradamus spent a great deal of his life helping others. His ideas about fighting the spread of disease, specifically the bubonic plague, included prescribing such things as fresh water, vitamin C, and strict hygiene. These ideas relating to infection control were ahead of his time and led to the recovery of many patients. Ironically, sadly, while he was saving villages, his wife and two young children contracted and succumbed to the disease.

The more you know. Anyway…

Source: Britannica.com

Source: Britannica.com

Another prophet you may have heard of is Edgar Cayce. Called the ‘sleeping prophet’, Cayce always entered a meditative state before making a prediction, blurting out whatever came in mind, and his wife or an assistance would record his words. Talk about having nothing to hide from the missus!

Bravo, Eddie!🙌

It is said that Edgar never accepted a dime from people he ‘read’, which says a ton about the man, in my opinion. Among his most famous (and accurate?) predictions was the 1929 Stock Market crash and the start of WW2 (which he predicted in 1935) . But, as a medical professional, his most stunning prediction was made in 1927, when he said that medical advances of the future would make it possible to diagnose a patient with just a drop of their blood.

Wowza. That was considered sci-fi stuff back then. Bold move, Maverick.

Source: EdgarCayce.Org

Source: EdgarCayce.Org

One woman you’ve probably never heard of— at least I hadn’t— is a woman named Rose Ann Schwab. Rose Ann ‘s predictions have a purported accuracy rate of 98% when tested. It has been said that she predicted the attacks on September 11th during a live interview while a guest on the talk show, “The View.” (Impressive, but my admiration drops a notch with her appearance on that show😜) She also knew Bin Laden would be captured during the Obama Administration, and predicted Michael Jackson’s death from a drug overdose and the massive earthquake that hit Iran in 2003.

How about 2021? Anything shakin’ our way this year? Well, I did find some 2021 predictions by a prophet/psychic medium, Baba Vanga, who lived in the mountains of Bulgaria from 1911 until her death in 1996. Blinded at an early age, her accuracy rate is said to be 85%, although it is difficult to know for sure. Illiterate, she was unable to write down her visions and so their documentation is second-hand.

So, do you want Baba’s good news or bad news first? Ok, let’s start with the bad. I always do that to bring my emotions back up from the basement. That way, it pretty much leaves ya where you started (but at least not any lower!) Ok, here we go! She predicted…

*Many catastrophes, plagues, and disasters for the world (gulp).

*She said that ‘three giants will unite’, and a ‘strong giant will seize humanity.’ Most believe this refers to China taking over as the world’s superpower, surpassing the US who currently holds that title.

*Former President Donald Trump will suffer with a debilitating illness, Russian President Putin will survive an assassination attempt and Muslim extremists will attack Europe using chemical warfare, killing thousands.

The good news? Vanga says we will defeat cancer! Her lips to God’s ears!

Some of her previous predictions that were accurate (I found several that were not) are that ‘two steel birds will attack our American brethren’ , meaning 9-11, the tsunami of 2004, and the sinking of a Russian nuclear submarine in 2000.

Want to hear what good ol’ Nostradamus says about 2021 and beyond? Warning: Stop reading now if you want to ever sleep again😬

No, seriously. It’s quite unpleasant and, with any luck, a bunch of hokum and hooey.

But, he predicted that plagues (covid, anyone?), famine, earthquakes and asteroids will all be in our future. He also said that Muslims will rule Europe, soldiers will incorporate artificial intelligence (read brain chips here) into their bodies to get a step up in warfare, and that on November 25, 2021, there will be an earthquake that will decimate California, virtually wiping it off the map. (Yikes!)

He also prophesized the assassination of Pope Francis, which will, in turn lead to the complete collapse of the Catholic Church. (I think I can speak for my fellow Catholics here when I say ‘double yikes!’)

But, here is the one that defies all explanation. He had a vision that foretold of a Russian scientist who will create a biological weapon, one that produces a deadly virus and turns humankind into (I swear I’m not making this up) zombies! That’s right folks! An old-fashioned zombie apocalypse!

Source: Pexels.com

Source: Pexels.com

Told you to stop reading!

No worries, though. According to Baba Vanga, the world isn’t going to end until somewhere around 5079, so we’re good😁

So, whatcha thinking? I mean, aside from ‘holy crapbags, why’d I read this?’ Pretty weird, huh? Personally, I take it all with a grain of salt. Most of the predictions these people make are generic and don’t come true.

But, just in case, I’m not planning a visit to California any time soon. And I’m going to start rationing my food. Oh, and I’m hoarding antibiotics, water and weapons. You know, just in case The Walking Dead really isn’t sci-fi😬

“Everything is food for something else.” Carl Grimes🤣

Next time on Exploring the Unknown, if there is a next time …oh, nevermind. Let’s just see how this prophecy thing plays out, shall we?

Later, gators


Quinn NollComment