Exploring the Unknown: Unexplained Phenomena

If you could read my mind, love…RUN!

The next few blogs will focus on mysterious and unexplained abilities. Cool stuff😎

Quick! What am I thinking? No, no— that was last week. What am I thinking now? Not sure? Well, that’s because most of us don’t possess the ability to read minds. In parapsychology, there are a particular set of skills (not unlike Liam Neeson’s) which fall under the umbrella of extrasensory perception, or ESP. Clairvoyance (hello, Katherine Callahan!), precognition and telepathy are all considered part of the ESP spectral wheel, so to speak. And, although similar and often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences that you, as a Mighty Quinnlet, should know about, lest we look like amateurs to the rest of the world 😉

Image: Wikipedia

Image: Wikipedia

Clairvoyance is the bigger term here and carries the most weight (without feeling chunky). A clairvoyant is typically gifted with three distinct abilities or classes—precognition, retrocognition and remote viewing. Precognition is the ability to predict a future event, while in retrocognition, the person can see what has happened in the past. Remote viewing is, well, the weirdest of the three. Explored decades ago as a potential military weapon, the experiments centered on capitalizing on the idea that certain gifted individuals could ‘see’ an event after having contact or information about that event. So, the government hoped to discover all manner of maps and nefarious plans and secret hideouts of the enemy without even stepping foot in their country.

Yeah, not so much. After several years, it was clear (pun intended) that remote viewing had sketchy reputation and a limited, if any, value to national defense.

Credit: Gettyimages

Credit: Gettyimages

But, fear not, my little believers! There is enough interest in clairvoyance that several high-profile, criminal cases have a history of using a psychic clairvoyant to help close the case. One that many of my Jersey people will recognize is the Amie Hoffman/Dierdre O’Brian murders in the early eighties. In that case, a local psychic, Nancy Weber, was brought in and eventually led detectives to their suspect. James Koedatich was convicted of murder and is serving two life sentences. Yay, Nancy🙌

Nancy Weber, by-the-by, also correctly identified the killer of another woman from NJ, Elizabeth Cornish. Nancy believed Elizabeth’s upstairs neighbor, despite his seemingly iron-clad alibi that centered around the victim’s time of death, was responsible. Turned out, after Nancy persisted in her claims, the coroner re-evaluated that time-of-death timeline and amended his original findings. John Reese was convicted and sentenced to life.

Again, yay Nancy!

Here is the most bizarre one, though! In May of ‘76, a 14-year-old named Susan Jacobson left her home in Staten Island for a job at a local ice cream parlor. She was never seen alive again. Originally thought to be a runaway, law enforcement officials were less than enthusiastic in their search for her. Desperate, her parents contacted a psychic named Dorothy Allison. At that first meeting, Allison had a vision of Susan being strangled by her boyfriend and provided clues about where her body could be found. She mentioned the smell of oil, an abandoned car, some smokestacks and a few random letters (MAR) that were written in red spray paint somewhere near the scene.

Although local police ignored these clues, Susan’s father was able to locate a rock with the letters ‘MAR’ spray-painted in red. The rock happened to be located in a isolated shipyard. Near two smokestacks. With an abandoned car nearby. Yes, I said that!

Two years later, Susan Jacobson’s body was found hidden in an oil drum. Her boyfriend was convicted and sentenced to 22 years in prison.

Now, if that tale doesn’t curdle your cream, nothing will!

So, you might be asking, what is the biggest difference between clairvoyance and telepathy? It has to do with how the information is received. In clairvoyance, the information a person gets is transmitted into pictures and images. In telepathy, it is received via thoughts and words. For example, let’s say you have two psychics working on the disappearance of Joe Schmo, a local missing person. Psychic A possesses telepathy and tells the police he or she hears the word “thirsty”, and the phrase “Hit me again.” Psychic B possesses clairvoyance and explains to police that he/she sees a run-down building and an empty bottle of whiskey. Eventually, the police locate him and discover that both psychics were on point, though it seemed they were headed in different directions.

Joe Schmo was passed out, in a seedy bar, with an empty bottle of whiskey. Dead drunk. Voila!

Ok, so this wasn’t a real case but you get the idea. Where the telepath will hear the information, the clairvoyant will see it. Many times the two are one and you have a pretty powerful psychic in your midst.


There are a vast number of parapsychologists who believe each one of us have a hidden psychic ability. We just have not found it or channeled it or polished it up. Here is a fun activity to try with your friends or family to see if, you too, can someday get a job with the government as a mind reading spy😅 It is an experiment that I read about and requires just three people. One person, we will call Suzy Sender (just cause it’s the first thing that popped in my head) creates a simple message to send to the other 2 people involved in the experiment via his or her mind. Let’s say she is eating a salad. She envisions the salad, noting its taste and texture, and ‘sends’ that picture to her friends as she is pretty much chanting ‘salad’ the whole time. In the test that I read about, the sender sent images of an orange. The next day, not only did her friends inexplicably see an orange in their minds eye and hear the word repeatedly bouncing around their noggin, they also ‘needed’ to eat one as it looked and sounded so good to them! How cool is that?

On a side note, I might try this on the husband. You know, send a message about that vacation in Ireland I’ve been dreaming about. 😂

But you already knew that, right?

Until next time my Mighty Quinnlets…send me a message😁

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